Scientific name: Saintpaulia spp.
Common names: African Violet, Saint Paul’s Violet
Plant description: The Saintpaulia is a popular indoor plant, appreciated for its delicate and colourful flowers. It has rounded, velvety leaves and its flowers come in a variety of colours, such as violet, pink, white and blue. The flowers have a peculiar shape, with five petals that open delicately. The Saintpaulia is a compact plant, ideal for growing in pots and hanging baskets.
Care: The Saintpaulia requires bright indirect light, avoiding direct exposure to the sun. It prefers moderate humidity, so it’s important to water it regularly, keeping the soil moist but avoiding waterlogging. The ideal temperature for growing Saintpaulia is between 18°C and 24°C. It is also important to avoid draughts and sudden changes in temperature.
Fertilisation: We recommend fertilising the Saintpaulia once a month during the growing season, using a diluted balanced fertiliser. Follow the fertiliser dosage instructions to avoid overfeeding.
Pet friendly: The Saintpaulia is considered a safe plant for pets. However, it is always recommended to keep the plants out of reach of animals.
Curiosities: The Saintpaulia is native to the eastern region of Africa. It was named in honour of Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire, a German colonial officer who found the plant on an expedition in Tanzania. In addition to its lovely flowers, the Saintpaulia is appreciated for its ability to purify the air, making it a great choice for indoor environments.
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