A space that balances work and experiences
As fundamental pillars of Nestlé’s purpose, quality of life and the concept of caring were the guiding principles behind the head office renovation project, which transformed the workplace into a more flexible, collaborative and sustainable space. Horto do Campo Grande was part of this project in which interaction with nature was always favoured, in the selection and implementation of the most suitable plants for the interior spaces.
Based on the concept of the Nest, the brand’s representative symbol, Openbook, the studio responsible for the project, developed the new space in which three distinct centres stand out: the “Landing Zones”, the “Social” and the “Workplace”.
All the zones have in common the fact that they are an environment in which plants stand out and where interaction with nature is the key element.
A space inspired by nature
At the new Nestlé Campus, interaction with nature is an essential element. Bringing greenery into the environments is one of the ways of integrating the building with the natural space. As well as bringing beauty, plants help purify the air and generate greater thermal comfort for users. This is what Openbook’s project brought to the new Nestlé Campus in general, and particularly to the interior area where Horto do Campo Grande was involved.
Following Openbook’s choice for the location of the planters and plants, Horto do Campo Grande proposed a selection of species that would best adapt to the different environments on the various floors of the building.
The selection was made according to the solar orientation of the different spaces, the existence of natural light and its intensity. Low-maintenance plants such as Scindapsus aureus and Chamaedorea elegans, which would allow for less frequent watering. Species less prone to pests and diseases and with air-purifying characteristics – such as the Spathiphyllum – Peace Lily, which conveys a sense of tranquillity wherever it is found.
The aesthetic and functional aspect was also an important point to take into consideration when selecting the plants, always opting for those that visually worked best in each location; and also depending on the goal, to create visual barriers or just for contemplation and decoration, for which size and volume were taken into account.
In the lobby/reception area, we opted for large plants with lush green foliage in different shades. Strelitzias Nicolai, with large, banana-like leaves that make them stand out in any space, combined with Monsteras Deliciosas, also known as Adam’s ribs, which are a trend in decoration and convey a sense of tropicality. In the ‘Anchor points and Agile’ areas, air-purifying plants were selected and in the ‘Lunch areas’, medium-sized plants such as Zamioculca zamifolia and Philodendron xanadu. Finally, in the “landing areas” more exposed to the sun, Strelitzia Nicolai, Dypsis Lutescens and Croton Petra were chosen.