Scientific Name: Ficus microcarpa
Common Names: Bonsai Fig, Bonsai Ficus
Description: The Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng is a small tree with dense, dark green foliage. Its leaves are oval and shiny, and the bark of the trunk can vary from grey to brown. It’s an easy plant to care for and grow. Popularly cultivated for its beauty, it is used in landscaping and interior decoration, due to the ease with which it blends into various decorating styles. It is an excellent choice for indoor environments such as living rooms and offices.
Lighting: Needs direct sunlight for at least a few hours a day, but can also be grown in the shade. Watering should be frequent, but without soaking the soil. It is important to prune the plant regularly to maintain its shape and desired size.
Fertilisation: Should be fertilised regularly during the growing season with a liquid fertiliser suitable for indoor plants.
Not pet Friendly: It is poisonous to pets and can be especially dangerous if they eat its leaves.
Fun facts: It’s one of the most common bonsai species cultivated around the world. In Asian culture it is considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
Height: +/- 50 centimetres
75,00 €